Rural Ramblings

Updates from a latte loving working mom doing her best to navigate life in rural Wisconsin. Expect plenty of reading recommendations, parenting meltdowns and insight into the realities of chasing your dreams while still paying your bills.

P.S. I’m an aspiring author who may occasionally promote her books as well!

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Once upon a time there was a girl who loved writing but didn’t believe she could write. Someday, she thought, I’ll write … Book Launch Day is finally here. April 6 will always be the day mom died. But, today is about more than …

Spring Break 2023 landed me on a beach in Gulf Port picking sea shells and consuming plenty of margaritas as I celebrated …

My Garmin beeps, notifying me to relax. A whistle blows. Relaxation must wait. A foul. Just seconds remain on the clock. I …

I want to love you. After hours of research and checking you out in-person, I thought you were the one. My husband …

My advanced copies of my book Now What? Navigating Life After Loss arrived last week. At first, I couldn’t open the box. When I …

The Rock kicked off the New Year by sharing this quote: “One day or day one.” Over the holidays, I re-read Daring …

    I entered 2022 with an intention of enough. To tackle my life from a place of abundance. To quit chasing …

Elf on the Shelf always used to annoy me. As if, come December, I need a magical man running around my house …