The Perfect Ten
The world’s best athletes are currently congregated, competing to be the best of the best in the world. Impressive to watch, I’m amazed by their endless grace and grit to compete no matter the cost. The storyteller in me loves watching this drama unfold and is immediately brought back to an inconsequential moment that continues […]
Running Insanity
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This cliche, oftentimes misattributed to Einstein, rings true in my life. That said, this middle-aged Mama is finding that as I evolve AKA age, so does my definition of insanity. Over a decade ago, I drank a few too many mojitos […]
Little League Legends
This summer, this baseball Mama has enjoyed the wonder that comes with sitting in an oversized camp chair and watching grass grow AKA Little League Baseball. (If you know, you know). Most recently, my son ended the season with a championship game that stretched nearly 3-hours, 4 innings of overtime, and when all was said […]
Gardening Connections
Everything hurts. I’m not talking surface level pain but rather deep embedded agony in rear-end muscles I didn’t even know existed. My gluteus maximus pulsates. My wrists are tender. My nail beds stained a deep brown. My lower back shot. This can only mean one thing. The black thumb in me is summoning my inner […]
Dare to Dislike Me
My mantra for 2024 started with a desire to be happier. To embrace more of the here and now, given tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. As a result, many of the non-fiction books I’ve devoured this year have centered around tactical tips on changing my mindset and slowing down. I must admit, I’m embracing this more balanced […]
On Graduation
My son graduates from 5th grade this year. This past year has marked a series of last firsts. Next fall, he, like countless kids before him, will enter the emotionally taxing time referred to as middle school. God help us all. But first, a final reflection on his time at Iron River Elementary School. Perfection […]
Opt Out: A Mother’s Day Rambling
My phone pinged at the end a particularly challenging day. Nothing extraordinary, just the regular challenge of parenting a 10-year-old going on 30. I grabbed my phone expecting an entertaining TikTok meme or a much-needed mascara discount. Instead, the text read Opt Out. The marketer in me was intrigued. After all, what company sends texts […]
Dear Mom
Dear Mom, I’ve been a bit angry lately that you aren’t around. I have questions about your demons. Perhaps it is because the calendar keeps inching me towards the age you were when you left us. And, I cannot help but wonder if I’m destined for the same pathway. Twenty-eight years without you is a […]
I Voted
“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” James Clear My husband’s name recently appeared on the Spring election ballot for school board. It marked a great opportunity for my 10-year-old and I to experience the power of voting together with just the promise of an I […]
Morbid or Motivational? My Birthday Wish.
“Morbid or motivational? It is a fine line.” This month I turned 46. I spent my birthday on a plane returning from a week-long family vacation in Florida packed with ocean views and family time. While some celebrate another glorious trip around the sun, my thoughts tend to be a bit more morbid. This annual […]