This year, it is easy for me to give thanks. I’ve enjoyed a year that is full of blessings, including the birth of Jacob of Moon Lake. It is amazing to me how someone so little can insert so much energy and wisdom into one’s life, along with an awesome sense of gratitude to those around me.
He taught me, prior to being born, that I should slow down and be present in the moment. There is nothing wrong with an afternoon nap. And, ice cream for dinner is totally acceptable… on occasion. Too often, and he dealt me a blow of heartburn so bad I was quickly reminded that everything in life is better in moderation.
Since his birth, he has taught me to expect the unexpected. Material things don’t matter—especially when attempting to wear clean clothes to work. Sometimes the best things in life are really, really difficult (aka 2 am feedings). A simple smile can literally light up an entire room. And, there is nothing more powerful than the grasp of a hand or the hint of a smile meant just for you. Once again, human connection conquers all.
It is an awesome responsibility to know that you are responsible for someone’s life. At times, overwhelming. But, it is in these moments where I realize I am far from alone. In addition to being blessed with an amazing son, I am blessed to be surrounded by a village of kind, caring, compassionate friends, family, colleagues and mere acquaintances (also known as Facebook moms) and of course my soul mate. It is these people who never hesitate to lend a helping hand, hug, or simple words of encouragement.
This past year, time and time again, people have found time in their busy schedules to help me. And this thanksgiving, I want to say Thank You. Thanks for being a part of this tumultuous, exhilarating, exciting, ever changing journey of motherhood. I have no idea where the next 20, 30, 40 years will take me… heck I don’t know where tomorrow will take me. But, I do know it’ll all be ok thanks to the amazing people I am blessed to have in my life.
So to everyone who has or will be part of my journey, Thank You! I wish you nothing but a lifetime of unexpected experiences that bring joy to your life!
Happy Thanksgiving!