
High School graduation is a mixed blessing for those navigating grief. In my latest Rural Rambling, I share en excerpt from my book Now What? Navigating Life After Loss where I look back at 6/6/96. The first big milestone sans mom. Chapter 4: The Waterfall Two months after my mom died, I found myself standing […]

Joys of Motherhood

There’s an egg stuck in my hen’s butt. I watch her strut around with her feathery friends oblivious to the rear view display she’s putting on. “Hon, I need your help,” I bellow from the Chicken Coop. “What now,” he asks, exasperated from a morning of battling with a 9-year old about screen time. “There’s […]

Write the Book

Once upon a time there was a girl who loved writing but didn’t believe she could write. Someday, she thought, I’ll write a book. Someday when she has more life perspective, more experience writing, more time. Someday… Until ONE DAY, she found herself jumping around to music much too loud and cool with thousands of […]

Launch Day Book Launch Day is finally here. April 6 will always be the day mom died. But, today is about more than what I’ve lost. It is also about what I’ve gained. So much of who I am, is because of what I’ve lost. It is a huge part of who I am – and […]

The Sea Shell Story

Mississippi Sea Shells

Spring Break 2023 landed me on a beach in Gulf Port picking sea shells and consuming plenty of margaritas as I celebrated turning 45. I enjoyed it all. As I resume the day-to-day grind, though, I’m doing my best to hang on to a seashell sunrise moment of clarity. I recently had a time-space continuum […]

The Final Countdown

My Garmin beeps, notifying me to relax. A whistle blows. Relaxation must wait. A foul. Just seconds remain on the clock. I clench my knuckles willing the opponent to blink – to lose focus in a critical moment. The orange ball bounces off the rim. A scramble occurs. The ball rolls out of bounds. The […]

A Love Letter

I want to love you. After hours of research and checking you out in-person, I thought you were the one. My husband made me promise you’d be my forever partner-in-crime. I used a lot of social capital to convince him to eliminate your predecessor and haul you down multiple flights of indoor and outdoor stairs […]

Pre-Orders Now Available

My advanced copies of my book Now What? Navigating Life After Loss arrived last week. At first, I couldn’t open the box. When I did, I was struck with panic. Then fear. And finally, a moment of relief. I started this story nearly 27-years ago when I lost my mom. Over and over again I’ve attempted to […]

Daring Greatly

The Rock kicked off the New Year by sharing this quote: “One day or day one.” Over the holidays, I re-read Daring Greatly. The timing seemed appropriate, given I’m launching a book that’s filled with stories about some of the toughest moments in my life and to say I’m feeling vulnerable is an understatement. That […]

2023 Intention

    I entered 2022 with an intention of enough. To tackle my life from a place of abundance. To quit chasing the constant grind of more and recognize that perhaps I, and my life, are enough. This intention didn’t discount my hopes, dreams or desire to continue evolving – but I discovered over the […]