Raise a Glass or Two…

This weekend I’m heading up north for a weekend of girl time and inspiration. The weekend came together quite suddenly after I discovered I won a writing contest about why my girlfriends and I deserve a weekend away at Bluefin Bay Resort. When I first started to craft my 250 words about why my friends […]

Life on Moon Lake: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

(This is an oldie but one I was reminded of this past week while enjoying a few moments of solitude on Moon Lake during my final kayak ride of the season.) The silence is deafening. This past week the last of the snowbirds closed up their cabin and headed south with the migrating geese. The […]

The Hike

(I first wrote this a year ago while hiking near Bean and Bear Lake near Silver Bay, MN. But, on this blustery fall day, I cannot help but share again.) The anticipation was killing me. For months, I had patiently watched the calendar waiting for that brief moment in northern Minnesota where fall comes to […]

Whistelstop Half-Marathon – Race Recap

As a Pisces, I am supposed to like water. I live on a lake. I enjoy swimming, long hot showers, and taking strolls along riverside beds. But, running in the rain? Not so much. But weather is not to blame for my latest and most lackluster race ever. I’ll be frank. This wasn’t my best […]

Gunflint Trail and Honeymoon Bluff

North Shore versus South Shore. During fall, I struggle with where to split my time. Generally, the quieter crowds and brighter colors of northwest Wisconsin win… But this year, I decided to give the North Shore a bit of my time. Rather than hike the overpopulated Oberg Loop or worse yet, Gooseberry Falls, we headed […]

Final Reflections

25,000 mornings, give or take, is all we humans get. We spend them on treadmills. We spend them in traffic. And if we get lucky.. really lucky it dawns on us to go spend them in a world where a simple sunrise can still be magic. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YUsBJUN0dI] I understand this is a commercial promoting […]

Four Days and Counting Until My Superior Adventure!

Fact: Did you know Lake Superior is the coldest, deepest, and highest in elevation of any of the Great Lakes? It is, in fact, the largest freshwater lake in the world with one inch of surface water totaling 553 billion gallons of water. It covers 31,700 square miles, roughly the same size of Maine or […]