Eighteen Years and Counting

Dear Mom, Today marks a pivotal moment in our relationship. Eighteen years ago, my life changed forever when I held your hand for the very last time. At just 18, I had no idea what would come next. Up until that moment, I had been busy planning my senior prom, anticipating high school graduation, fighting […]

Celebrating 36 My Way

I turned 36 today. As of this moment, I’ve been an adult longer than a kid. I officially feel old. I thought this might kick in when I turned 30 but that was a breeze compared to today. Perhaps it is because I’m a new mom. Perhaps it is because I have now fully accepted […]

Keepin’ It Real

This past weekend I escaped the great North Woods of Wisconsin to head south for a weekend of wine drinking, shopping and girl time. As the weekend loomed closer, I couldn’t wait to enjoy a dinner with two hands, 8-hours of consecutive sleep and an opportunity to shop. What I didn’t expect was to come […]

Resolutions Suck

Resolutions. How can one simple word be so loaded? Resolutions often result in empty promises of losing weight, eating healthy, exercising and being an overall better person. It signals us highlighting our weaknesses and focusing on how what we are currently doing isn’t good enough. Last year I attempted to buck the trend of setting […]

Merry Christmas from Moon Lake

Hello! It is Jacob of Moon Lake again. I hijacked mom’s blog again so I could send you my Christmas letter. I’m not sure how I feel about the photo but I’m guessing the ladies will dig it. What’s there about me not to love? Just don’t ask mom this question at 2 am when […]

So much to be thankful for…

This year, it is easy for me to give thanks. I’ve enjoyed a year that is full of blessings, including the birth of Jacob of Moon Lake. It is amazing to me how someone so little can insert so much energy and wisdom into one’s life, along with an awesome sense of gratitude to those […]

32 Days of Jacob

Thirty-two happens to be my favorite number. Think Duke’s Fabulous Five and Christian Laettner. What can I say, some things from my middle school days stick. So, in honor of Jacob being 32 days old, I thought I’d share these 32 facts that many a mother has shared before me, but I didn’t believe until […]

Hi, my name is Jacob.

I don’t know if you heard but since mom had me, she’s taking a small break from blogging and writing in general. So, I thought I’d take her spot and introduce myself. My name is Jacob William Probst. Son of the Probst clan on Moon Lake. I was born on August 8, 2013 weighing in […]

Berry Picking, Bare Feet, and Three Strange Men in an Ambulance

Prior to an unsettling event last week that caught me completely off-guard, I had the opportunity to take advantage of yet another great past-time in my neck of the woods—berry picking. The wild blueberries in Bayfield County are bountiful this summer. And, thanks to having a husband who spends most of his time driving the […]