All In The Family

Peterson Greenhouse

Northwoods cabins are not uncommon in northern Wisconsin. A popular second home destination to many families looking for a respite from the city. It is easy to understand while in the height of summer, sipping suds by a bonfire, it is easy to proclaim one could make a life here year-round. But, come morning, that […]

2023 Local Gift Guide

It isn’t Oprah’s favorite things but since I find myself devouring her list only to think, we have equally as cool things I can buy here, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite local gifts. Coffee. Yes. I know it is predictable. But, here’s the thing, coffee shops truly serve as the third […]

Decadent and Delicious

Decadent and Delicious in Spooner World class chocolatier sets up shop in northwest Wisconsin When perusing the gourmet chocolate candy bar section in a Whole Foods Coop or specialty candy shops, visions of chefs in white hats pouring over their passion in Switzerland, Belgium, or France might come to mind. But, upon closer inspection, a […]

World Record Juggler Spends Summer Teaching Kids Circus Tricks

This summer I had the chance to interview a nearby neighbor that my kid absolutely loves. Bob and his wife Trish are yet another example of why I love living in Iron River. While Jake hasn’t decided to take up circus tricks, it was really cool to do this story. You can also see it […]

Everyday Empathy

Summer is coming to a close. Not sure how I feel about that. I decided to take the morning off to hit Lost Creek Falls (a must-see waterfall in Bayfield County) and do some book editing at one of my favorite coffee shops in the planet – Cornucopia Coffee and Sweet Shoppe. I arrived at […]

Bayfield County Welcomes Three New Coffee Roasters to the County

Anyone who knows me, knows I love a good cup of coffee. Sometimes, that’s hard to find in rural areas. Once again, the place I’m lucky enough to call home, is the exception to the rule. I’ve always been amazed by the bold lifestyle choices people make living here. It is definitely a work to […]

Barronett Bob (AKA Corn Man)

This past month I was reminded about the power of social media and journalism 101. While perusing Facebook, I saw a post that was being shared with hundreds about one of my favorite farmers in the world — Barronett Bob. Or, just the Corn Man. The rumor was he wasn’t going to be selling this […]

Iron River Coffee Anyone?

So a crazy thing happened today that I feel I need to share in hopes to help me pursue my dreams. If you know me at all, you know I’m a coffee addict. You also know that I absolutely love living on Moon Lake. But, for those close to me, you also know that Iron […]

Hot Enough?

Moon Lake summers are awesome… right up to those few days where temperatures surpass 80 degrees. It isn’t the heat but instead the humidity that drives me crazy. Crazy enough that after years of debate, my husband finally realized that if we didn’t get central air, our marriage might not survive. (It helped that I […]

I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas…

Last January I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon with my good friend Clare Hintz of Elsewhere Farm. While I always enjoy hanging with her, this encounter was particularly special because I was drilling her about her year-round greenhouse for Northern Gardener Magazine. For years, Clare has inspired me with her passion for local […]