The Perfect Ten

The world’s best athletes are currently congregated, competing to be the best of the best in the world. Impressive to watch, I’m amazed by their endless grace and grit to compete no matter the cost. The storyteller in me loves watching this drama unfold and is immediately brought back to an inconsequential moment that continues […]

Running Insanity

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This cliche, oftentimes misattributed to Einstein, rings true in my life. That said, this middle-aged Mama is finding that as I evolve AKA age, so does my definition of insanity. Over a decade ago, I drank a few too many mojitos […]

All In The Family

Peterson Greenhouse

Northwoods cabins are not uncommon in northern Wisconsin. A popular second home destination to many families looking for a respite from the city. It is easy to understand while in the height of summer, sipping suds by a bonfire, it is easy to proclaim one could make a life here year-round. But, come morning, that […]